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Trees Planted by the City

Operational indicator

Sustainability Plan Target: Increase tree canopy to 18% or more of the Longmont Planning Area covered by regionally appropriate tree canopy or vegetation.

The land area that the City of Longmont maintains that is suitable for tree planting is less than 10% of the annexed land area of Longmont. Longmont Forestry seeks to plant 350-400 trees per year to replace trees lost to disease, drought, damage, or poor species choice for a site. As Longmont seeks to increase the tree canopy to 18% the majority of the tree canopy increases will be realized through private land development where trees currently do not exist. The City of Longmont Land Development Code requires tree planting to increase the City-wide tree canopy. Forestry will start tracking the number of trees that are planting due to private development starting in 2024.

Overarching Theme

Topic Area

Overarching Theme

Trees Planted by the City

Actions that impact this indicator

NE-4Update the Tree Canopy Management and Replacement Plan
On time

This indicator has effect on