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EO.2"Big Picture" Climate Lecture Series


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous
This project involves a public lecture and film series at the Longmont Museum starting in early in 2021 to raise awareness and foster discussion regarding the climate emergency that faces Longmont and our planet.


The Longmont Library and Office of Sustainability have partnered in 2024 to host a Plastic Free July event titled "Plastic Pollution Solutions". The event occurs in late July and will offer a children's activity, panel discussion, and information fair. Spanish interpretation is also available by request. Additional events may be planned for the fall and winter of 2024 depending on resident attendance and response.


What has been done?

  • Done10/29/2023

    Climate Action Sunday: Revolutionizing Energy

    The global transition toward sustainable energy will change how we live, build and move. “Revolutionizing Energy” provides an opportunity to learn more about these changes and how local providers are preparing to meet the clean energy demand. The film “Backlight: Beyond the Green Horizon” will provide a global perspective on the green revolution. It will be accompanied by a local look at the future of energy with a presentation of how Longmont’s electric utility, Longmont Power & Communications, and its wholesale power provider, Platte River Power Authority, are working together toward a 100% noncarbon energy mix by 2030. Following a discussion on local energy, attendees are invited to attend a sustainable energy fair. Here, they can discover local resources, watch induction cooking demos, explore electric vehicles, and get a chance to receive free energy-efficiency giveaways.

    Watch Longmont Public Media's recording of the panel discussion.

  • Done09/10/2023

    Climate Action Sunday: The Ways We Travel

    We’ve suffered the unforeseen consequences of a car-consumed culture for more than a century. Transportation is now the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Join us to explore how people are thinking outside the car to make big impacts from climate change, to socio-economic inequality, to more livable cities. Featuring “The Engine Inside” (PG-13).

    Watch Longmont Public Media's recording of the panel discussion.

  • Done02/26/2023

    Climate Action Sunday: Our Water, Our Future

    Climate Action Sunday: Our Water, Our Future

    From dwindling snowpack to depleted reservoirs, the future of our water supply remains uncertain. Spend your Sunday afternoon at a family-friendly event learning practical solutions from local and regional water conservation and equity experts.

    Read the Times-Call newspaper article about the event.

    Watch Longmont Public Media's recording of the panel discussion. Skip ahead to the 17 minute mark.

  • Done10/16/2022

    Climate Action Sunday: Watch Your Waste

    Climate Action Sunday: Watch Your Waste

    Our trash can have a negative impact on the community from the contamination of soil and water to the production of greenhouse gas emissions. Spend your Sunday afternoon at a family-friendly waste management event featuring information tables, kids activities and a panel discussion to learn about practical steps that can be taken to reduce waste in the community. 

  • Done09/18/2022

    Climate Action Sunday: The Air We Breathe

    Climate Action Sunday: The Air We Breathe

    From local wildfires to vehicles on the road, a multitude of factors impact our air quality. Spend your Sunday afternoon at a family-friendly air quality event featuring information tables, kids activities and a panel discussion.

  • Done04/22/2021

    The Big Picture Climate Change Series

    The Big Picture Climate Series

    • Monday–Thursday, April 19–22, 7:30–8:45 pm
    • All programs are FREE!

    Join us as we take a big-picture view of how humans, largely by burning fossil fuels, have drastically altered the global climate system and living conditions on Earth. We will also explore how humans, from grassroots activists to national and global leaders, are seeking solutions. Our four panels–focusing on earth, air, fire, and water–bring together locally based scientists and other experts. The series is designed to move the public conversation forward, and to inform, engage and empower us all to think globally and act locally.

    Watch Longmont Public Media's recording of the panel discussion.

Summary and contacts


4/2021 → Continuous

Initiation Period

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Zak Lance
    Sustainability Coordinator
Information updated 07/02/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome