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RE.5Distributed Energy Resources


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed
On time

Plans developed in conjunction with Platte River, including the DERMs Roadmap and DER Forecast and Potential Study, are completed. SmartGrid Roadmap slightly behind schedule.

By mid-2021, design a 5-year pilot program and 10-year development plan for creating an inventory of managed distributed energy resources that reduces electric peak loads and absorbs surplus energy production.


When the planning process began in 2021, City staff opted to participate in efforts being led by Platte River Power Authority. This adjusts the timeline for planning but allows the City to be better aligned with Platte River and the other owner communities to strategically enrolling and managing distributed energy resources for distribution grid resilience and electric market response.


What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Platte River Authority Distributed Energy Management System (DERMS) Evaluation

    Collaborate with Platte River and other owner communities to select distributed energy management system (DERMS) vendors and tools that optimize both generation and distribution to better align with renewable energy supply. Request for proposal (RFP) issued in May 2024 with vendor selection anticipated by end of year 2024.

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Develop a Smart Grid Roadmap + CIP

    City staff is finalizing work with consultants on the Smart Grid Roadmap to evaluate the distribution grid relative to increased load, areas for investment/improvement, areas of vulnerability, the best placement for battery energy storage, and smart grid technologies through the development of a CIP plan for the next 5-20 years.

  • Todo12/31/2024

    Mapping of Existing Distributed Energy Resources

    Staff has begun to develop maps that indicates locations and types of distributed energy resources (DERs) in LPC service territory.

What has been done?

  • Done07/01/2021

    Platte River Power Authority Distributed Energy Resource Strategy

    Platte River Power Authority and its owner communities of Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland developed this distributed energy resource (DER) strategy to meet a growing customer interest in DERs, and to help achieve Platte River’s Resource Diversification Policy and individual owner community goals.

Summary and contacts

Initiation Period

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Hannah Mulroy
    Energy Portfolio Development Manager
    Longmont Power & Communications
  • Susan Bartlett
    Director, Energy Strategies & Solutions
    Longmont Power & Communications
Information updated 07/17/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome