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The City of Longmont has completed the American Water Works Association (AWWA) M36 audit for 2023, verified by a third-party contractor. This audit methodology helps water utilities assess and improve their water efficiency and management. By following the AWWA's guidelines, Longmont has complied with best practices and obtained accurate data on water supply, consumption, and system operations. System water losses have been identified, and a strategic plan to reduce these losses and improve system efficiency has been outlined. The City will continue to update this report annually and prioritize identified savings opportunities.
Making progress on installing electronic meters is integral to evaluating water loss and developing strategies. Ultimately the goal is to have meters electronically relay incremental data through "gateways" to show real-time data on a public-facing real-time data portal. This will allow leaks at the service connection to be detected sooner. Twelve out of nineteen gateways are currently in use, another propagation study will occur after all nineteen gateways are installed. The City received a WaterSMART Grant to support the installation of new AMR meters in 2020, about 99% of water meters are now radio read.
Supply chain disruptions have slowed down access to new meters and gateways.