This strategy focuses on ensuring that the City of Longmont is a model for waste reduction and diversion activities.
Waste /
WA-4Increase public education and awareness about waste reduction and diversion opportunities
- Not started
- Planning
- Continuous
- Implementation
On time
Waste Services and Sustainability continue to update and maintain the application for the public
- To expand awareness, staff are continuing efforts with Recollect, the Waste Wizard app and Waste Diverter publication.
- Focus on updating the approach to social media.
- Continues efforts providing zero waste stations and services at 11 council approved city sponsored events
- Focused outreach and marketing to a "Recycle It Right" campaign.
What has been done?
- 08/06/2019
Longmont Waste Services Mobile App
Longmont launched a free Longmont Waste Services mobile appto help customers stay informed on trash pickup days, access the Waste Wizard and learn about special collection services and events.