The base strategies and equity priorities work together to help reach the goals of the Roadmap.

Base Strategies
Each of the following base strategies are focused on reducing vehicle emissions and their impact. The future actions detailed in this document are guided by each of these strategies to meet the goals of greenhouse gas reduction and improved air quality.
Shorten and Reduce the Number of Trips
Reducing the number and length of vehicle trips taken is the most direct way to reduce transportation-related emissions. The City and its partners can use outreach, incentives, programs, and infrastructure to encourage residents and employees to consolidate errands and work from home.
Shift Modes
The majority of Longmont commuters still drive to work alone. The City can work with employers and property managers to expand education, and improve the quality of infrastructure, to increase the safety and comfort for residents using alternative forms of transportation. The City is also committed to land uses and new development patterns that promote access to walking, bicycling and riding transit—all mode shifts—rather than driving a personal vehicle.
Reduce Direct Vehicle Emissions
When reducing the number of vehicle miles traveled or shifting modes is not an option, drivers can choose reduced- or zero-emission vehicles. The City can adopt policies and promote programs that encourage individual and fleet ownership of zero emission vehicles and participation in EV car share programs as well as the buildout of EV charging station infrastructure.
Equity Priorities
The City continues to work to expand inclusion and equity throughout City programs. The following four equity priorities were identified through community engagement and outreach conducted as part of the Roadmap and from past City efforts and priorities. The Roadmap highlights where these priorities have been a focus in past City efforts and where these priorities should grow in the future. Expanding on these equity priorities builds community understanding, promotes inclusion, and works towards creating a resilient, sustainable and carbon-free Longmont for all.
Ensure connectivity and visibility of services and transportation modes for all..
Build greater inclusion of various languages, cultures and abilities in the development and implementation of projects.
Reduce Barriers
Address cost burdens and eliminate barriers around reliable and continuous access to programs and job opportunities.
Identify and resolve actual and perceived safety concerns.