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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed
On time

We have formalized and implemented these trainings through City of Longmont University. In addition, we will utilize these trainings in pulling together our Mental Health Center of Excellence.

Assemble and update an inventory or document formal and informal liaisons within the City who can offer training on older adults and adults at risk and provide support to other departments, as appropriate. This will institutionalize training tools that exist and will require an update as new information becomes available.


Senior Services provides CLU classes about dementia friendly service provision to all city staff as well as trainings on mandatory reporting of elder abuse and consultation on working with at risk older adults as requested for a variety of city departments.

Summary and contacts

Responsible organizations

Type of Strategy

Initiation Period

Contact persons

  • Brenda Palacio
    Executive Assistant
    External Services
  • Christina Pacheco
    Director of Human Services
    Human Services
  • Ronnie Maynes
    Senior Services Manager
    Human Services
Information updated 16/07/2024