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Longmont will develop a climate adaptation plan to prepare for the threats to public health from a warmer, changed climate. Apply equity lens to understand communities most impacted and under-resourced.


Develop a coalition focused on identifying issues and solutions for a warming climate, with a specific focus on the needs of low-income households and residents experiencing homelessness. Topics may include addressing heatwaves and other severe weather events, air quality issues, detection, surveillance and treatment of diseases.

City Sustainability staff completed and is now rolling out an online climate risk and resilience mapping tool to determine climate exposures at a neighborhood scale. Of the five vulnerabilities analyzed so far, extreme heat was identified as the biggest risk to Longmont. The City is using 2024 Boulder County Sustainability tax funding to implement two initiatives to address this issue: 1) The Whole Home Health program addresses extreme heat resilience through energy efficiency, building electrification and health/safety measures; and 2) the implementation of community-driven cooling solutions.

A two year term position has been filled to implement the Whole Home Health program.

The City recently completed a Heat Action Plan to better incorporate heat resilience strategies into sustainability and climate action efforts.

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What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2024

    Climate Risk Mapping Tool – Staff Training and Implementation

    An initial staff training was conducted in June 2024, with additional support for implementation ongoing.

  • Todo12/31/2024

    Extreme Heat Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Building Electrification

    A demonstration program with approximately ten low-income households that combines energy efficiency, housing rehabilitation and building electrification to enhance heat resilience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and utility cost burden.

What has been done?

  • Done06/30/2024

    Heat Action Plan

  • Done12/31/2023

    Heat Mapping and Community-Driven Cooling Solutions

    A consultant-led campaign to determine real-time heat index information across the community and better understand the heat differential between neighborhoods. Once completed, the City will engage stakeholders in conversations about extreme heat and gain a better understanding of experiences and appropriate solutions at the neighborhood scale.

Summary and contacts


7/2021 →

Initiation Period

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Lisa Knoblauch
    Sustainability Manager
  • Adam Sanderson
    Energy Program Coordinator
    Longmont Power & Communications
Information updated 07/18/2024

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