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BI-3Develop and implement a process to incorporate social equity into prioritizing infrastructure improvements


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Continuous
  • Implementation

Efforts to implement this action began more extensively in 2023.

Lead paragraph

Infrastructure improvements, such as bicycle and pedestrian facilities, are needed to enhance connectivity to community amenities such as parks, open space, transit facilities, and service providers. This strategy focuses on developing a process to incorporate social equity into the identification of gaps and the prioritization and completion of infrastructure improvements in order to provide linkages to connect under-served areas with community amenities.


There is ongoing work to continue to identify opportunities and ways to integrate equity into infrastructure projects. Community and Neighborhood Resources have helped lay the framework through the Social Equity Coordinator and internal Equity Team who worked to incorporate equity questions into the budget process for the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Further details on their work are included in action C-2.

In addition, multiple sustainability tools incorporate an equity lens, including the Sustainability Evaluation System (see action BI-4) and the Climate Risk Mapping tool (see action AR.1), which are being integrated into the new project management process. The project management process also integrates equity concepts more broadly. Lastly, Community and Neighborhood Resources launched a community-based asset mapping initiative in the fall of 2024 that will leverage the expertise of community members to better inform projects.


What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2025

    Community Asset Mapping

What has been done?

  • Done31/05/2022

    Equity into the CIP Budget

Summary and contacts



Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Francie Jaffe
    Sustainability Coordinator
  • Lisa Knoblauch
    Sustainability Manager
Information updated 30/12/2024