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BI-4Require life cycle cost and sustainability analyses for all City of Longmont projects and programs


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Continuous
  • Implementation

This implementation began in 2023 instead of the 2019-2022 initiation period.

Lead paragraph

Standardization of the process and the tools used to analyze the impacts and costs of all City projects and programs will help ensure consistency across departments and will help further sustainability objectives.


Resources for staff have been developed to assist in applying a sustainability analysis into their work, including the internal Sustainability Evaluation System and Sustainable Design Guide. The internal Sustainability Evaluation System (SES) tool allows staff to apply interdisciplinary thinking across topic areas, and to ask and consider important questions about a project, program or plan. There have been 29 projects to date.

In 2024, three projects used the SES tool to support decision making in their projects. The most recent project to use this tool was the 21st Ave and Main St project.


What are we doing?

  • Todo6/2025

    Incorporating sustainability into the Project Management Office

    Sustainability staff are currently working with staff from the Project Management Office (PMO) to integrate sustainability into new PMO tools and resources for staff. This will help staff better apply sustainability practices and tools, like the Sustainability Evaluation System, earlier in the project's planning period.

What has been done?

  • Done29.12.2023

    Internal Sustainable Design Guide Update

    The Sustainable Design Guide was first created in 2019 as a resource of best practices for staff to use when working on projects or going through the Sustainability Evaluation System. The Guide is being updated to include additional best practices and being made into a more accessible format for staff.

  • Done19.05.2023

    Internal Sustainability Evaluation System (SES) Update

    The internal Sustainability Evaluation System that was first developed in 2015 by the Brendle Group and City staff was updated in 2023. The update evaluated the sustainability topic areas and rating system that is being used.

Summary and contacts


2023 → Continuous

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Francie Jaffe
    Sustainability Coordinator
Information updated 31.12.2024

How this action contributes to the outcome