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7Affordable Housing Partnerships


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On time

Whole Home Health demonstration program that supports income-qualified households with electrification, weatherization and efficiency, and health and safety retrofits.

Lead paragraph

Leveraging partnerships with affordable housing organizations can help ensure building electrification is implemented with a people-centered focus and that electrification technologies are deployed for frontline community members and populations beyond early adopters.


City staff are beginning the second full year of a demonstration program (Whole Home Health) designed to bring cooling, weatherization, and electrification to income-qualified households in Longmont. The objectives of the demonstration are to gather data about housing types, project measures and costs, operational costs and utility bill impacts, and other resources that can be leveraged to offset the high costs of meaningful upgrades in single family, mobile, and small multifamily homes. The results of the demonstration will inform program scaling and regional implementation.

Whole Home Health has proactively worked with organizations that provide affordable housing to income-qualified populations to improve the efficiency and health and safety of the housing without increasing utility costs.


What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2025

    Multifamily Energy Efficiency Project 2025

    A new partnership with Thistle Community Housing was formed in 2024. A project was scoped to bring efficient heating and cooling to all 48 income-qualified units at their Kimbark Property. The project will use EECBG (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant) funds from the Department of Energy, which the city secured in 2024. Work on this initiative is set to be completed in 2025.

What has been done?

  • Done31.12.2024

    Multifamily Energy Efficiency Project 2024

    The Whole Home Health program completed energy efficiency and safety retrofits at the Longmont Housing Authority, Briarwood Community. This included the installation of efficient heat pumps in each of the 10 units, alongside insulation and air sealing. Additionally, health and safety hazards in the attic area, improving the overall living environment for residents.

Summary and contacts



Contact persons

  • Susan Bartlett
    Director, Energy Strategies & Solutions
    Longmont Power & Communications
  • Adam Sanderson
    Energy Program Coordinator
    Longmont Power & Communications
Information updated 15.01.2025

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