6Phased Building Codes and Amendments
- Not started
- Planning
- Implementation
- Continuous
2024 IECC code release was delayed by 9 months and the State of Colorado has not completed its Model Low Energy and Carbon Code yet.
Updating and enhancing building codes is a continuous process that includes rigorous evaluation, regional planning, and stakeholder engagement. Longmont's policy is to adopt each new version of the International Energy Conservation Code as it becomes available. Also, Longmont is a member of the Department of Local Affairs Regional Codes Cohort that is closely following the State of Colorado Model Low Energy and Carbon Code development process and will make its own recommendations for amendments related to electrification in 2025. Longmont City Council will consider code recommendations presented by staff in 2025, including the delayed 2024 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). To inform a decision by City Council, City Staff have contracted with a building modeling firm to look at the impacts (financial and climate-related) of the 2024 IECC, the State's Model Low Energy and Carbon Code, and cohort recommendations.
What's left to do?
- 4/30/2025
Electrification building code impact analysis