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BI-6Develop 'Beyond' building code


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Completed
  • Implementation
This strategy focuses on developing a net zero building code for residential and commercial construction to accelerate and incentivize energy efficiency and renewable energy in new construction. The code would provide opportunity, pathways, and incentives, for net zero construction ahead of forecasted code requirements.


This strategy has been combined with Climate Action Recommendations Report strategy CARR BE.1: Building Codes: Improve Building Codes to include energy conservation measures and promote renewable energy.

  1. Solar ready and EV ready homes are now part of the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC). Strengthening amendments for commercial solar and EV-readiness were not included and will be considered with the 2024 IECC cycle, along with the Northwest Metropolitan Regional Energy Code Cohort recommendations.
  2. Staff will be taking the Northwest Metropolitan Regional Energy Code Cohort recommendations for possible inclusion in the 2024 code update.


What are we doing?

  • Todo9/30/2024

    New Code Cost Analysis

    Sustainability, LPC, and Building Services are working with a consultant to conduct a cost analysis of electrification and other code requirements supporting decarbonization in the 2024 IECC

Read more

Summary and contacts

Initiation period

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Blas Hernandez
    Chief Building Official
    Building Inspection
  • Lisa Knoblauch
    Sustainability Manager
Information updated 16/07/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome