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BE.7Climate Action Fund Program & Staff


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous

Staff to support the implementation was not hired until 2023 which is after the initiation period stated in the plan.

Establish a fund to assist low-to-middle income building owners, both residential and commercial, in the transition to meet the City’s mandated electrification/renewable energy goals by the end of 2022.


In mid-2023, a new grant coordinator was hired to help lead this work. In Fall 2023, an Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (EECBG) was submitted to the United States Department of Energy. In early 2024, the City was awarded a $148,550 EECBG grant that assists low-income households with energy efficiency, electrification and resiliency to extreme heat. For more information on this Whole Home Health program, see Action AR.1 Public Health at
Additional funding is being sought to support this effort.


What has been done?

  • Done02/02/2024

    Awarded: Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy

    The City was awarded the Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant in the amount of $148,550, that will help fund energy efficiency and electrification of low-income households.

  • Done01/12/2024

    Submitted, Not Awarded: Technical Assistance for Energy Equity

    If awarded, this will provide valuable expert Technical Assistance to further our goals for energy equity for renters. Unfortunately, the City was not awarded this grant.

  • Done10/31/2023

    Submitted, Awaiting Notification: Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant

    Submitted this federal formula grant, and anticipate being awarded $148,550 in early 2024.

  • Done07/17/2023

    Submitted, Not Awarded: Toyota Foundation & Smart Cities Mobility Prize

    Applied to this Department of Energy competitive grant opportunity, via the Equity-Centered Innovation Pathway. Learned in September 2023 that we were not selected for the $400,000 award.

Summary and contacts


7/2023 → Continuous

Initiation Period

Responsible organizations

Contact persons

  • Julie Graf
    Grant Coordinator
    Strategic Integration
Information updated 07/17/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome