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F.5Electric Vehicle Charging Program


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous
Develop and deploy a Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Program.


As of 2022, the City began offering up to $500 for a Level 2 residential EV charger for a home or multi-family property or up to $1,000 for dual-port Level 2 chargers on a multi-family site.

Since its inception in 2022, the program has paid out $81,203 in rebates. In 2023, the EV charger rebate program had a total of 85 rebate recipients. In 2024 as of July, the EV charger rebate program has a total of 48 rebate recipients.

Visit Longmont Power and Communications' Save Money and Energy page for more information.

Summary and contacts



Base Strategies

Equity Priorities


Initiation Period

  • Cost

    $100,000 <= $$ =< $1,000,000

Contact persons

  • Catherine Wiersma
    Energy Efficiency and Education Specialist
    Longmont Power & Communications
Information updated 07/12/2024

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